How to Answer "What Are Your Salary Expectations?"

In this class: content regarding job interview, salary expectations, interview questions.
American accent / sotaque americano.

Vocabulary list:

– raises: aumentos (salariais)
– in spite of: apesar de 
– underpay: pagar menos do que o justo
– can afford: ter condição de pagar algo
– waste time: desperdiçar tempo, perder tempo
– meet salary expectations: atender às expectativas salariais
– baseline: parâmetro inicial, referência
– anchor: ancorar
– salary range: faixa salarial
– forthcoming: aberto, disposto a dar informações
– job posting: anúncio de emprego

Now, watch the video:

We recommend you watch the video at least twice.

In the first time, pay attention to the use of the vocabulary presented above.

Before playing it for the second time, take a look at the questions below. After watching it, try to answer them correctly. 

1. According to the video, why do hiring managers and recruiters ask this question?   
a. They want to pay as little as possible. 
b. They want to know if they can afford that candidate.
c. It’s a good way to survey the market. 
d. They need to reduce their budget.  
2. How can you redirect the conversation, according to the speaker? 
a. Say that it is illegal to ask this question. 
b. Say that you were underpaid in the past, so you prefer not to answer this question.
c. Turn the question around and ask what their budget is. 
d. Ask the interviewer to be forthcoming and reveal the salary range for that position.
3. How can you find a realistic salary range, according to the speaker? 
a. Check websites such as Glassdoor and
b. Ask people in your network. 
c. Try to adjust your findings to the industry, your experience and location. 
d. All of the above.

Check the answers at the bottom of the page. 

Practice Your Listening Comprehension and Writing

What do you think of the tips given in the video? Would you use any of them in your next job interview?
Have you ever been asked this question before? How did you answer it and what was the result?

16 respostas para “How to Answer “What Are Your Salary Expectations?””

  1. Hello!

    In my last interview, I’ve already searched for the role and mentioned the average salary. For the next opportunities, I will “turn around”, and ask more about the position and the budget.

    1. Awesome, João!
      It’s a good strategy!

      Just a PS:
      – I will turn the question around – if you just “turn around”, people may be confused, hehe!
      Keep it up!

  2. I liked the tips! It’s a good strategy to convince the recruiters that the salary is fair for your qualifications and experience for that job and that role.

  3. These tips are very relevants for a interview and I will use them in one oppportinit, mainly the tips for
    the second strategy.

    1. Great, Jane!

      Good to know it was useful for you!

      Just some minor corrections:
      – very relevant
      – and I’ll use them when I have a chance/ an opportunity

  4. Hi,
    very good video…
    In my opinion the three final “excelent” examples, they go throught from the most up to least demanding answers….
    Besides all of it said in this video, another questions should d be considered….( candidate’s current situation, markest’s moment, etc..)
    For sure it’ very difficult to answer this question, I usually answered it presenting my experience, how much is being payed for the position and always being opened to negociate considering a minumum value as basis.
    As a negociation is being on stake, depending on the recruiter to open the real value of this range…..

    1. We’re glad you liked the video, Fabio! 🙂

      Just some minor corrections:

      – excellent
      – through
      – the least
      – other questions (please watch: for more details)
      – market moment
      – I’d usually answer it by presenting
      – how much it is being paid
      – open to negotiate considering a minimum value as a base
      – negotiation
      – Just a minor adjustment to your sentence: When a negotiation is on stake, it’s on the recruiter (OR it depends on the recruiter) to open the real value of the range

      See ya! Bye!

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