5 Steps in The Change Management Process

In this class: content regarding change management, leadership, organizational change.
American accent / sotaque americano.

Vocabulary list:

– technology advancements: avanços tecnológicos
– underlying technology: tecnologia estrutural, de base
– unfold: desdobrar
– need for change: necessidade da mudança
– raise awareness: conscientizar 
– buy-in: apoio, concordância, comprometimento (learn more: https://businessfluency.com.br/significado-de-buy-in/)
– craft: criar, elaborar
– toward: em direção a 
– sign off: aprovação
– project scope: escopo do projeto
– overcome: superar
– roadblocks: obstáculos
– reiterate: reiterar 
– throughout the implementation process: ao longo do processo de implementação
– pursue: buscar, ir atrás
– meet project goals: atingir as metas do projeto

Now, watch the video:

We recommend you watch the video at least twice.

In the first time, pay attention to the use of the vocabulary presented above.

Before playing it for the second time, take a look at the questions below. After watching it, try to answer them correctly. 

1. According to the video, what % of organizational change initiatives fail? 
a. 10%
b. 15%
c. 50%
d. 55%
2. What is the focus of change managers during the implementation phase? 
a. Detail strategic goals the organization should work toward. 
b. Gain initial buy-in from employees. 
c. Map stakeholders responsible for sign-off. 
d. Motivate and empower employees to achieve the initiative’s goals. 
3. When is embedding change within the company culture and practices particularly important? 
a. Organizational changes related to processes, workflows and strategies.
b. Organizational changes related to culture, processes and strategies. 
c. Organizational changes related to hierarchy, processes and workflows. 
d. Organizational changes related to technology, workflows and strategies. 

Check the answers at the bottom of the page. 

Practice Your Listening Comprehension and Writing

Have you been part of a change management team before? Did you follow all the steps outlined in the video? What was the result of the initiative?  
Have you been through a change management process before? Was it a success or a failure? Can you identify the reasons for it? 

6 respostas para “5 Steps in the Change Management Process”

  1. Hello! I watched the video twice to be as self-demanding as CAE listening tests, so my answers were 1 c), 2 d), and 3 b). After checking the keys on the Page bottom (1 c), 2 d), and 3 a)), I rewatched the video and I found out that number 2 is d), so the key is wrong about it, and number 3 is actually a). Therefore, I made a mistake, and I got 2 out of 3.
    The key should be: 1) c), 2 d), and 3 a).
    I hope to get a reply from you.
    Thank you so much!

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