Johari Window Model

In this class: content regarding self-awareness, personal development, communication, relationship development.
American accent / sotaque americano.

Vocabulary list:

– self awareness: autoconhecimento 
– authentic: autêntica/o (preste atenção à pronúncia!) 
– genuine: genuína/o (preste atenção à pronúncia!) 
– what makes you tick: o que te motiva, te interessa, do que você gosta
– care about something: se importar com algo
– hidden: escondido (preste atenção à pronúncia!) 
– façade: fachada
– under wraps: em segredo 
– blind spot: ponto cego
– realize: perceber, se dar conta
– self-centered: egocêntrico/a
– come across: parecer ser algo, passar uma imagem x (learn more here:

Now, watch the video:

We recommend you watch the video at least twice.

In the first time, pay attention to the use of the vocabulary presented above.

Before playing it for the second time, take a look at the questions below. After watching it, try to answer them correctly. 

1. What is NOT true about Johari Window? 
a. The sizes of each “window” can be different from the other windows.  
b. It is the same throughout the entire life of a person. 
c. Things can move from one window to another window.
d. It can inspire us to be authentic. 
2. What’s the importance of the Blind Spot window? 
a. It can help you grow. 
b. It can help others communicate better with you. 
c. It is good for people who are short-tempered. 
d. It is not important. 
3. According to the speaker, how can you identify the aspects that are unknown to you and unknown to others? 
a. Unfortunately, these aspects are impossible to identify. 
b. Eat sushi. 
c. Have new experiences. 
d. Talk to different people to try to identify them. 

Check the answers at the bottom of the page. 

Practice Your Listening Comprehension and Writing

Questions: Have you heard of the Johari Window before? Try to create your own Johari Window. 
Have you ever realized something about yourself because somebody pointed it out to you? Give us some examples. 

6 respostas para “Johari Window Model”

  1. Hi Ho,
    I have never heard about this. Using this tool I realized that some colleagues say I’m very anxious and it affects my job / daily activities. So, I need to improve it.
    Thanks for share it!

  2. Hi Ho and Augusto! Thanks for the class!

    Yes, I heard about Johari Window Model a long time ago. I liked to review it and tried to build my Window!

    In years of therapy, I realize many things who improve my self awareness like:
    – Everybody agree with me, I’m full of energy, happy and friendly. (Open Area)
    – People think I’m organized, but in my opinion I’m not. (Blind Spot)
    – Sometimes I’m mysterious, but the problem is that I’m hiding something that’s bothering me or I can’t talk about or express my opinion. (Hidden)
    – Nobody knows, nor do I know, if my Yakisoba is good because I never made it. (unknown)

    1. Excellent job, Fabi!
      I love your analysis. 🙂
      And you can invite me to try your yakisoba, hehehe

      – I realized many things to improve…
      – Everybody agrees…
      – I have never

  3. I use this technique when teams are having difficulty with a specific person and we need to create a safe space to talk, or when we are doing team building, or when a leadership wants to create a feedback moment with their team. It’s an interesting tool for when starting a group feedback session

    1. Excellent, Coaracy. Thanks for sharing your best practices.

      – when a leader
      – tool when (“for” is not necessary)

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