Como falar sobre os diferentes tipos de emprego em inglês?
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18 respostas para “Tipos de Emprego em Inglês”
Oi Ho/Augusto, tudo bem?
Bem legal o video! Sempre tinha a duvida de como falar PJ em ingles.
Soh nao aparece aqui o botao para poder marcar que completei.
E agora apareceu o botao! rs
Hello Shigueo, hehehe 😉
Hello Shigueo,
It’s a very common question, right? Now you know it. 😉
Hello, very clear explanation. Thanks.
Thank you, Pauline! 🙂
Ho, where can I mark the complete class?
Hello Pauline,
it’s right after the comment box, scroll down the page a bit more and you will find the “mark as complete” button!
(it’s a few centimeters below “Publicar Comentário”, on the left)
Let me know if you find it!
I love volunteer work. I already did volunteer work with chidren in hospitals and schools.
Hello, Luciana.
Absolutely, volunteer work is excellent.
It’s great to help other people.
I have been volunteer work on Rondônia- Brazil! I’m from SP and in the past I lived temporarily there.
Hello Camilla,
Wow, this is amazing. What did you do there? What kind of volunteer work?
– I have done volunteer work OR I have been a volunteer
– in Rondônia (for countries, states and cities, we use IN)
– I lived there temporarily
So cool this video. Congratulations!
I have been mentoring women that are starting or interested in Technology career in this moment. Can I consider “be mentor” as a Volunteer work?
Hello Deborah!
That’s great!! Yes, if you are not charging for this service, then it can be considered a volunteer work.
– at the moment
– Can I consider “being a mentor”
His game has improved so much that now he can play as a full-time job.
He needs to find a suitable part-time job as he is in high school.
Any additional official language would entail an increase of estimated Human Resources by around 200 FTE.
Unfortunately, there is no chance of permanent jobs at the moment, only temporary ones.
There are more contractors than employees working on the project.
As a freelancer I have a flexible working schedule.
A self-employed worker does not have a boss.
Good sentences, Gi! 🙂
How about you? Have you ever done any volunteer work?
Right now, I´m doing volunteer work in Lisbon, with refugees from Ukraine. I´m a volunteer lawyer to help with citizenship papers.
Very good, Sil!