Sensível em inglês não é SENSIBLE

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10 respostas para “Sensível em inglês não é SENSIBLE”

  1. Hi,

    it is only practice:

    This decision is extremely sensitive because it is related a lot of layoffs. I believe it is necessary sleep on about this topic to make a sensible solution.

    1. Very good, Ieda.

      Just a few adjustments below:

      This decision is extremely sensitive because it is related to a lot of layoffs. I believe it is necessary sleep on about this topic to make a sensible solution.

  2. Sensitivo > sensível, delicado, sigiloso
    Ex: Mary is the perfect person to investigate this highly sensitive issue;

    Sensible > Sensata, consciente >> Não é sensível
    Ex: We need to gather more information to make a sensible decision;

    upmost > superior, maior
    takeout meals > refeições para viagem

    1. Great job, Clodoaldo!

      Just one thing: the first word should be “sensitive” (probably it was the autocorrect that changed this).

  3. SENSIBLE – They have been constantly meeting with the manager to come up with a sensitive decision on the project.
    SENSITIVE – We are professionals on dealing with sensitive issues. | We are professionals on dealing with time-sensitive matters.

  4. Hello!

    When you are in a hurry, it is a challenge to deal with sensitive people.
    When you are personally involved is difficult to have sensible decisions.

  5. Hello!

    – Find below the document that you have requested. I have to ask you not to send it forward, due to its sensitivity.
    – He is a very seasoned and sensible professional. By taking decisions thoughtfully, he ensures always the right path.

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