Significados de OVERRULE

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10 respostas para “Significado de Overrule”

  1. The regional manager approved the increase of stock to serve the local market but the CEO overrrule this decision to reduce fixed assets.

  2. We were excepted with the new store in BH, but The Board overrode the decision.
    even though 100% allowance and Executive Committee’s approval, the board felt that it was not the time to expand flagships.

    When I was a teenager, my mom overruled my dad’s decision all the time,
    but the problem wasn’t the hierarchy, my father was easier to convince and when we wanted something that my mother disagreed, we asked my father first to gain one more ally.

  3. The manager has approved the measurement machine’s maintenance but after the sales results, the director overruled this decision to reduce costs.

    1. Great job, João Pedro!

      – the maintenance of the measurement machine.
      (We don’t use apostrophe with things.)

  4. Yes, several times. It is a complicated situation, as it can generate complications and resistance. A practice I use to avoid overrules is to have the limits of autonomy clearly defined with my leaders and subordinates.

  5. Overrule ( revogar, anular, revisar e invalidar)

    The judge decided to overrule the objection made by the defense attorney.
    The supervisor has the authority to overrule decisions made by individual team members.
    The board of directors has the power to overrule management decisions in certain circumstances.

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