Como dizer COMBINAR em inglês?

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9 respostas para “Como dizer COMBINAR em Inglês”

  1. In a combination between your services and our products in this new market, we will certainly go to another level.

    It’s very tough to arrange (set up) a meeting when those involved are in different time zones.

    Do the requirements for this job match your profile?

  2. Combine > Combinar no sentido de juntar, agrupar > If we combine our excellent products with your sales expertise, we’ll surely dominate this market.
    Arrange > Combinar um encontro, agendar uma reunião, visita na fábrica, viagem >> I’ve arranged a meeting with the customer tomorrow.
    Match > combinou junto, ficou legal junto, com pessoas ou coisas;
    Agree > combinar no sentido de concordar

  3. Hello Ho,

    Are these correct?

    1- Let’s combine my expertise with transport and your entrepreneur capacity and create a trade.
    2- Should I arrange a meeting with this Supplier?
    3- The goal of this girl showed in her interview matches with ours.
    4- I didn’t agree with the high prices since they aren’t working with the same quality that they’ve worked before.


  4. Hello!

    – We should combine these two initiatives to build a stronger one.
    – Since we can’t bring forward the meeting to today, we need to arrange a new one next month.
    – I think this new design matches very well with the message you are presenting in your slide.
    – After an intense negotiation, the supplier have agreed on an unlimited subscription with us.


  5. Hi folks.

    – I’ve suggested combining my expertise in strategic with your new team.
    – I would buy this product if it combined with a new package. This one is so small.
    – We need to arrange a visit in your office next month.
    – Maria arranged us last month.
    – Joao came here and we arrange that he would have to come back next week.
    – They changed their mind before arranging this visit.
    – I agreed with Maria that she could arrived earlier today.
    – We have clinched a great sales deal with Uniliver after them agreed to rule out the fine of the contract.

    1. Great job, Fabian!

      – in strategy
      – if it was combined
      – What do you mean by “Maria arranged us last month.”
      – we agreed that he…
      – could arrive
      – Unilever after they agreed to remove the fine
      (We use “rule out” as “descartar” with the meaning of “descartar uma ideia, uma possibilidade, alguém numa escolha”)

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