Sentence Connectors - Contrast
Part 1


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7 respostas para “However, Nonetheless, Nevertheless”

  1. I always tried to improve my English, nonetheless, I get tired in a long time and do not continue, unfortunately.
    But this is changing now!

    1. Hi Aline, welcome to the platform.

      Glad to know that this is changing and you can count on us to improve your English skills!

  2. Hello,

    I hope all be fine.

    I know the knife from German is very expensive, nevertheless is beter quality between european knife.

  3. Hello,

    I hope all be fine.

    I know the knife from German is very expensive, nevertheless is beter quality between european knife.

    Clodoaldo Ramos

    1. Hello, Clodoaldo.
      Great job.

      Just some points:
      – Hope you’re fine.
      – it has the best quality among European knives.
      *we use “among” when it’s between more than 2 things
      *the word “European” is always capitalized (the first letter is a capital letter) – this rule applies to all languages, nationalities, things that belong to a region (Asian, African, European…)

  4. Good class!

    I am great leadership, however i should improve my english!
    The company had good results last yea, nevertheless, it is important to go on the project of cost reduction.

  5. Good job, Manuella!

    – I am a great leader…
    – I should improve my English. (“I” meaning “eu” and “English” are always capitalized)
    – last year
    – to go on with the project of cost reduction (or cost reduction project)

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